육개장 Yukgaejang (500g)


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Masakan Korea yang berupa sup daging sapi pedas yang dimasak dalam rebusan kaldu dan kecap. Bahan utama adalah daging sapi, gosari (sejenis tanaman paku), dan sayuran lainnya. Konsumsi Yukgaejang menjadi tradisi dalam Sambok, yang merujuk pada tiga hari terpanas saat musim panas tiba.

A Korean soup dish made from boiled beef ribs. Galbitang is usually consumed to warm the body in cold weather. A Korean dish in the form of spicy beef soup cooked in boiling broth and soy sauce. The main ingredients are beef, gosari (a type of fern), and other vegetables. Yukgaejang consumption is a tradition during Sambok, which refers to the three hottest days of summer.

끓는 국물과 간장을 넣고 끓인 매콤한 쇠고기 수프 형태의 한국 요리입니다. 주요 재료는 쇠고기와 고사리(고사리의 일종) 및 기타 야채입니다. 육개장 소비는 삼복삼복의 전통으로, 여름 삼일 무더위에도 푹푹 찌는 삼복삼복의 전통이다.

Weight 0,5 g


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