갈비탕 Galbitang (500g)


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Hidangan sup korea yang terbuat dari rebusan Iga Sapi. Biasanya galbitang dikonsumsi untuk menghangatkan tubuh pada saat cuaca dingin.
Sup ini cocok disantap dengan nasi putih dan kimchi dan sayuran lainnya.

Korean soup dish made from boiled beef ribs. Galbitang is usually consumed to warm the body in cold weather.
This soup goes well with white rice and kimchi and other vegetables.

삶은 쇠고기 갈비로 만든 한국식 국물 요리입니다. 갈비탕은 주로 추운 날씨에 몸을 따뜻하게 하기 위해 섭취됩니다.
이 국물은 흰쌀밥과 김치, 각종 야채와 잘 어울립니다.


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